The influence of prey distribution on Norwegian killer whale and Northeast Atlantic humpback whale movements

Charmaine Duthie
Monday 29 January 2024

The influence of prey distribution on Norwegian killer whale and Northeast Atlantic humpback whale movementsEmma VogelUiT The Arctic University of Norway

This talk will discuss killer and humpback whale foraging movements in response to varying prey distributions. Specifically, herring density data and killer whale satellite telemetry are used to show killer whales adjust their movements in response to herring density along the Norwegian coast. Norwegian killer whale foraging strategies are also investigated by comparing seal predation to fish predation, highlighting differences in travel routes, shore proximity, and directionality towards seal haul-out areas. Lastly, humpback whale movements in the Barents Sea are shown to reflect capelin density variations, highlighting their tendency to target the densest prey aggregations on both horizontal and vertical scales.

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